On-Site Environmental & Safety Consulting

On-Site Environmental & Safety Consulting

Safe work practices are critical to the success of any business. In rapidly growing industries, maintaining these practices while keeping up with industry demand is even more challenging.

Starting in 2013, JH Consulting partnered with a leading oil and gas operator to go into the field and monitor safety in practice. We deployed “Environmental Site Safety Consultants” (ESSCs) to monitor pipeline, pad site, and fresh water impoundment construction. These personnel ensure that proper PPE was being utilized; perform safety documentation reviews (i.e., review job safety analyses, hot work permits, confined space permits, fall protection, global harmonization system); ensure that equipment was being operated safely; provide safety orientations to visitors and short service employees and various safety training (i.e., stop work authority training) in the field; and personnel were appropriately documenting their safety efforts. The project included daily as well as weekly safety reporting, attendance at on-site safety meetings, fact collection for incident and near miss investigation and reporting, and the creation of corrective actions and root cause analysis to address any documented safety concerns.