How vulnerable are you? JH Consulting provides the following services to determine your community, company or organization’s level of risk and to identify solutions and steps to develop a plan.

Preparedness Audits

  • Understand both your risks and how your current preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities impact those risks
  • Analysis of existing planning and response and recovery capabilities to determine overall preparedness
  • Develop a series of custom recommendations aimed at closing preparedness gaps

Vulnerability Assessment

  • Comprehensive list of hazards and full documentation of the presence of lack of susceptibility
  • Utilize GIS mapping to show susceptible areas, assets, and populations
  • Inventory of risk items and assets as well as applicable loss estimates
  • Contextualize risks and identify gaps in response capabilities utilizing threat and hazard identification and risk assessment processes

Mitigation Planning

  • Utilize hazard analyses or risk assessments to formulate a comprehensive action plan to reduce identified risks
  • Identification of funding sources and assignment of implementing agencies on a per-project basis